Essay writing tutorial

essay writing


The first sentence of the introduction should provide the term that is being defined. It should further give general information on what is expected on the rest of the paper. In this case the writer gives a brief explanation of the term that is being defined including a slight outline of methods to be used. A thesis statement is given as the last sentence of the introduction to provide the reader with the exact term to be defined and various methods to be used by the writer. Thesis statement of a defining essay should not exceed one page therefore it is paramount to draft a thesis statement that is precise and short.


The body is organized into paragraphs which, are supposed to be written in accordance to the methods that are used. It is advisable to organize the paragraphs in such a way that each paragraph accounts for one method of definition. In order for the writer to stamp authority on the work that he has written it is paramount that as he provides the methods to always give supporting evidence. In this case the writer cites examples to support the method which has being used in term elaboration. The methods of definition further should not overflow from what has being cited in the thesis. In this regard, the methods that are used should commensurate with the ones that have formed the thesis statement at the introduction.

When arranging the body paragraphs always focus on the methods to determine the methods that are supposed to appear in the first body paragraphs and the order that they shall follow. It would be suicidal to haphazardly focus on methods without putting into considerations the way the definitions are given because the essay would lose meaning and the reader may not trace the links of the methods that have been used.

In addition technical words should be avoided when writing a definition essay transition words essays need know to avoid instances of giving room of other definitions in the course of the essay. Further the issue of correct grammar and strict adherence to the instructions provided by the instructor should not be compromised.


In the conclusion of definition essay the writer is supposed to give a summary of the main points and further provide a restatement of the thesis. The conclusion should also unveil the reason of the writer giving information of the definitions. In this case, the writer should clearly state how the information will help the audience in the course. He should also be able to account for the reason why the methods are more prudent compared to other possible methods of definition.



Descriptive Essay

When writing as descriptive essay the writer should come up with what is being described. There are many things that can be described in different forms hence if for instance an academic form of essay is being described it is paramount to get grip of the specifications given by the instructor. Descriptive essays buy an essay can turn to be tricky because most writers sway Away from the main course it is therefore advised that enough preparations and research is done before one can embark on the actual writing. In this case focus on the actual thing that is being described is not enough. It is required that further emphasis is given to the qualities of that are targeted for discussion. The length of the essay will be determined on the details of what is being described and if it is for academic purpose the instructor gives a reasonable length. Like other forms of essays a descriptive essay is formatted into introduction, body and conclusion.


The first sentence of a descriptive essay should explain what the writer has focused in and the context in which the essay is being written. It is therefore helpful to give a clear account of what is being described. In regard to this the writer specifies the subject matter and the contents to be described in the beginning sentence. The introduction should also outline the reasons of writing the essay to give the direction the writer is likely to take. General information of the subject matter is featured in the introduction of a descriptive essay with an aim of making the reader understand more about what is being described. In this case, the writer can outline details outside the context that would feature in the body.

The body

The body of a descriptive essay buy essay cheap is organized into paragraphs depending on the length of the essay. Each body paragraph in this case is poised to account for an aspect on its own and it is a requirement that the aspects should be arranged in a systematic way. For instance if the write is describing an event which occurred in series of event like a party he preparations of the party may be featured in the first paragraph and the closing of the party may be featured in the last sentence of the body paragraph. The arrangement of aspects should be reflecting the actual subject and if the writer does not give proper account of aspects the essay may end up being vague and out of topic.

Emotional aspect of the writer should be reflected as the aspects are unveiled in the body paragraph. It is hence imperative the writer organizes the words such that the reader gets the real picture of the subject matter. If for instance the writer is describing a personality vivid expression may be achieved by using words like hardworking, smart, jovial, welcoming, impressing etc.

It is further important to note that the writer’s creativity in descriptive essay should be beyond reproach. The reader should be drawn to the attention of the qualities that are being described in order to understand them vividly. Therefore, the five senses are used by the writer to reflect a phenomenon. if for instance the writer is describing a heavy down fall the essay ought to show what the writer saw during the event. In this regard, the sounds of the drops and floods caused by the fall may be used to show the reader the realities of the event.

The body should give and discuss all the minor and major points and by the end of this section the reader should be able to get what the writer was intending to describe. Use of correct grammar, good punctuations and correct tense is paramount. Good flow of sentences and use of appropriate vocabularies will make the reader to be interested with the subject matter.


Finally summarize the aspects of the body and give an account of the link of all the aspects. The conclusion should be short and concise.


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